January 26, 2010

Back on the Tri Tip

I love a good BBQ as much as the next guy, but I'm here to talk about my triathlon training. While my lack of a triathlon-related post over the past couple months might lead you to believe I've abandoned the idea in favor of throwing my unemployed self regular pity parties, that's definitely not the case. In fact, after taking some sporadic time off for the holidays I've jumped right back into my prep work for the Toyota Desert Triathlon in March.

Now I wouldn't recommend that everyone go out and get laid off, but being jobless has actually improved my training and given me even more quality family time than I had before. Now, instead of only biking/running after 9:00 pm and only swimming on Sundays, thanks to Dash's schedule I can do my weekday training when it's still light out! This means I can swim more than once a week, I don't have to worry about run-ins with raccoons (as much) and I don't have to wear Day-Glo clothing anymore to ensure I arrive home safely.

Naturally, last week sucked because of the 37 inches of rain, but now that southern California has had its rainfall for the year, I'm going to be cranking out the miles for the next 5.5 weeks.


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